Oh, boy, how did I get here?
Well, the short story is that despite my best efforts to live a normal, linear, white bread, and boringly safe life, the universe keeps ripping that Pottery Barn rug right out from under me. So, I give up! I'm a weirdo who will live a weird life, and I'm making myself a companion for this wonky ride in the weirdest way possible.
And y'all can come, too! I mean, by reading this blog. I'm not, like, inviting you to move in with me. You're not one of my commitment-phobic exes WHOOPS! Take a gander at my first post here if you'd like a bit more color on what's up.
The bio part of this is that I'm 35, I've lived a bunch of places, but I currently find myself back in my home state of Texas. I have two cats (ACTIVELY SINGLE) named Giuseppe and Bean. I'm a writer, comedian, podcaster, and Lisa Frank Tarot Cards enthusiast.
To thank you for reading this far, I hereby gift you with the best video that has ever existed on the entirety of the internet. Amen.